- Our polls indicate 68% of the general population and 84% of the aboriginal population have indicated a willingness to pay for the service
- Over 80% of general population and 85% of the aboriginal population believe APTN will be a positive addition to the Canadian broadcasting system.
- APTN will create 42 full-time and eight part-time jobs plus many jobs in the aboriginal production community and numerous spin-off opportunities throughout Canada, especially in aboriginal communities
- The application for APTN was submitted by Television Northern Canada, an aboriginal network, based in northern Canada, broadcasting programming in English, French and aboriginal languages for the past eight years
Carriage and Distribution
- APTN will be included in the basic level of service provided by the cable operators, satellite (DTH) providers and wireless services
- APTN will serve and reflect all regions of Canada, it will be non-profit and it will be programmed by aboriginal people
- service is targeted to both aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians
- cable operators and DTH providers will begin to add APTN to their line-up in September 1999
- APTN anticipates 7 million subscribers on average in year 1 building to 8.2 million on average in year 7.
- Winnipeg is being considered for the site of the southern production and uplink centre. A small administrative office will be maintained in Ottawa
- APTN will maintain existing northern satellite uplinks in Yellowknife, Iqaluit, and Whitehorse
- the proposed corporate structure will include an aboriginal CEO and an aboriginal Board of Directors from all regions of Canada
- Programming and scheduling will be determined by a separate programming committee consisting of representatives from all regions of Canada
- 90% Canadian content
- 60% of gross revenue channeled to programming
- APTN to provide approximately 120 hrs per week of programming: approximately 72 hrs in English; 18 hrs in French and 30 hrs in aboriginal languages
- APTN has allocated $55,000 in year one, and $60,000 in year two for script and concept development
- Canadian program acquisition for the first year will be $5.9 million rising to $8.4 million in year seven
- As a national service, APTN will provide programming in all categories including news and current affairs, children and youth programs, live shows, cultural programming, sports, and drama.
- APTN will generate annual revenues of approximately $15 million to $17.8 million each year, over its seven year license term
- revenue will come from three sources: government funding 8%, subscriber fees 86% and advertising 6%.
- subscriber fees will be 15 cents per month, or $1.80 per year compared to, for example Newsworld at 55 cents per month or the Weather Network at more than 30 cents.
- government funding to APTN will be phased out by year five